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Facebook Ads "The Best Ads"

FACEBOOK ADS Are you tired of promoting weightloss offers on Facebook that constantly get regreted or even worse, get your Ad account suspended? Maybe you've had some success but you're struggling more and more getting your ads approved. Maybe you just want to rank and affiliate website that is not in a competitive market? Well It's time to promote something new, fresh and exciting! Locksmithing Secrets - Brand new HOT clickbank offer launched on 02/03/2020 This course offers the buyer a complete online auto locksmith course which will help them start an highly profitable auto locksmith business from home - they also get a HUGE amount of bonus gifts worth nearly $1,000 so this really is an irresistible offer with very little competition. If you can target the right people with this - your going to have a LOT of success. How do we know? Because we've been running ads on Facebook to a simple optin page that then takes them to the main lander which you get on Clickbank. Once they've obsorbed the VSL and seen the offer they will believe that this is the ONLY place to get a once in a lifetime offer like this. Check out some of our testing of Facebook ads.. Placeholder Image As you may know, 17.51% CTR and $0.04 clicks are want we really want. So you can see that not only will you have all of your ads approved, you'll also get some seriously good CTR's and cheap clicks! DEMOGRAPHICS Males 24 - 64 English Speaking Interests: Automotive Industry How Stuff Works Survival Woodworking Home Biz Offers Make Money From Home Locksmithing Lock Picking Ex military We recommend that you think outside of the box when it comes to promoting this offer and don't just choose interests as 'lockpicking' try to think about the type of person who would like to learn more about locksmithing such as ex army veterans and people who just want to know how stuff works! VIDEO ADS ARE THE KEY TO FACEBOOK SUCCESS! If you can get some video footage of an auto locksmith picking a lock, you will find that you will get a HUGE clickthrough rate! NICHE WEBSITE (SEO) This really is waiting for the taking! If SEO is your game then you will soon see that searches like the following have LOW competition and decent search volume: 'online locksmith course' 'how to become a locksmith' 'auto locksmith course' 'locksmith training online' This is really up to you to research this but if this is your game then start now while there's only me to compete with! GOOGLE ADS We have yet to explore the possibilites with google ads but we believe that this would be very successful in the right hands. With ZERO competion, you could scoop up all of the people who are actively searching for locksmith courses all around the world. The potential is huge. If this is what you do and you need us to adjust the landing page to make it compliant with Google then please reach out to us at: LEAD MAGNET Placeholder Image Need a lead magnet with your affiliate links in? I have a 29 page E-book that works as an excellent lead magnet to get people into your funnel. You are welcome to swap out the links in the E-book with your own affiliate links!
